Ray Tavares

Full name: Ramon Isa Tavares

Nicknames: Ram, Razor, Ray, Ray-Ray, Ramadondada, Daddoo.

Birthplace: Ottawa, Canada

Home: Toronto, Canada.


Before the pandemic… I was looking for some mojo.

On our last visit to NYC, I made my wife and daughter scour Greenwich Village with me, searching for the apartment building where Jimi Hendrix allegedly lived. I was convinced that if I placed my hands on the building, it would infuse my fingers wit…

On our last visit to NYC, I made my wife and daughter scour Greenwich Village with me, searching for the apartment building where Jimi Hendrix allegedly lived. I was convinced that if I placed my hands on the building, it would infuse my fingers with his guitar chops. That turned out to be a flawed premise.


Our dog Luna is magical.

She is a rescue from Georgia, so we have no idea of her breed. I always wanted a dog when I was a kid. When my daughter was 3 years old, she asked for a puppy every day for 5 years straight. We finally gave in and I am so glad we did; Luna has been a wonderful addition to our family. Not to mention the perfect companion during the Covid-19 lockdown. She is named after Luna Lovegood, from the Harry Potter saga.


I’m a failed rock star.

Every few years, I pick up a new (or old) hobby and become obsessed with it. I think I am addicted to the challenge of improving at something I suck at.

A couple of years ago, I joined a band to perform at a local rock bar, which introduced me to a whole new kind of stage fright.

Sorry about the tongue - when somebody points a camera at you and you’re holding an electric guitar, it just happens.

Photo credit: Lou Roppoli

My favourite bands: Audioslave, Rage Against The Machine, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Outkast, Coldplay. And Avicii.


I am fanatical about Japanese design and engineering…

especially cars and vintage music equipment. If you recognize this device, you and I could geek out for hours. The best Japanese products have an obsessive attention to detail and quality that is simply unrivalled. They say cockroaches will survive a nuclear winter. There will be some Japanese products still functioning, too.

And yes, that is a CRT monitor in the background. Don’t even get me started.


I like machines.

With my lifelong passion of the automobile, it was inevitable that I would end up driving racecars at some point in my life. Curiously, it happened long after my youth and it was never a “speed junkie” thing. I became intensely interested in how the human (including driver, mechanic and engineer) and the machine worked together, in an environment with absolutely no margin for error.

I think I am over it.

Photo credit: Eshel Zweig


In another lifetime…

I was a competitive natural bodybuilder. It seems unfathomable to get on stage nearly naked and even now, I cannot fully recall my mindset. I can say, however, that my trainer was an awesome human being that ended up being my first business partner and a mentor (thanks DL). The sheer effort that it took to physically transform without steroids and the determination to see an initiative through to completion have served me well throughout my startup career. The yellow Speedo, not so much.


Sky high.

I learned how to fly and attained my pilot license. I’m not entirely sure why; if my mind is idled, I come up with strange ideas.

Flying is a very technical endeavour. Oddly, one of the most rewarding aspects was learning how to communicate with air traffic control. It’s like learning a whole new language and etiquette at the same time.


Brother from another Mother.

My co-founder, Vic, is also my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were 12 years old. I’m grateful for his friendship and consider it a privilege to be able to work with him, every day.

They say you shouldn’t go into business with a friend. Well, this is our second startup together and I truly believe that the mutual respect we have for each other is a large part of our success.


My purpose.

My role models: My wife, a physician, an assistant professor, an exceptional mother and a deeply considerate person. My sister, an activist, a creator and a fighter. My parents, who have supported me unconditionally since birth.

My inspirations: My daughter, who, at a young age is already connected to the planet and what really matters in a way that eluded me for most of my youth. The people of Ukraine, risking their lives to stand up for their country and their freedom.


In VR, I’m Morpheus.

Favourite movies: Blade Runner (original, with narration), Gladiator, Inception, The Matrix.

Favourite TV shows: Black Mirror, Game of Thrones, Homeland, Westworld, The Good Place, Ted Lasso.

Hobbies: Tinkering with music equipment and automobiles.

Strengths: Not realizing something is embarrassing until after I’ve already done it.

Weaknesses: See strengths.

Most recent accomplishment: During the Covid-19 lockdown, I learned how to code. After a career of creating tech products, I decided it was time to get “closer to the metal”.

Most recent failure: Bluetooth.